Today morning to school for classes and on the way saw Samatha. Had A math for 2 hours from 1030 to 1230. So tiring and new topic is very hard. After class went home for a bath and was ready to go safra to meet up with friends but suddenly a down pour occurs. So i waited for the rain to stop then went to jurong safra to meet up with friens. Went there to play blizzard and computer. After that went for dinner with Choonsiang, Chenpang, Justin, Zijie, Yunhong and Zhenfeng. I did not eat with them cause dont feel like eating. Afterthat went to safra first floor to slack and took some pictures. Zhenfeng took photo for us. Shall post up after typing. Slack until 9 like this then everybody went home but me and Chenpang went to HKE for mac. After mac came back home and now blogging.
Formal group photo :B
Choonsiang Justin Chenpang ME Zijie & yunhong

Fun shoot ^^ but it look so dead only me the one looking entertaining
Some picture of myself getting crazy!!!
Today shall post until here. :D
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